Off -Topics

This is where I share the stories that have nothing to do with events.

The Watermelon

Were you aware that watermelons can implode?

I wasn't.

I bought one 3 days ago and had great plans. I was going to make watermelon salad and fruit salad.

Tonight while making supper The Roommate and I started smelling something. I liken it to rising pizza dough. I figured that one of the neighbours was making some. We then noticed that there was a large tear in my watermelon and that it had leaked everywhere.

Note to all: Imploded watermelon smells absolutely vile. Seriously, I brought it right to the composting bin and gagged the whole way. I was in such a rush to get it out of the apartment that I forgot to put my sandals on and killed my feet on the gravel driveway (yeah, yeah, poor me, what a first world problem).

The juice had leaked all over the kitchen floor. We live in sketch-adjacent Hull and the floors are slightly crooked, which helped propel the juice. Enjoy the following picture of me having a laughing fit while cleaning the floor.

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