Saturday 4 May 2013

Carnival Time

Depressing Carnival, Great Hockey Game, Funny Movie

Last night I went to the Sparks Street Carnival with the roommate. 

We got there around 8 pm thinking that the cooler night air would be more enjoyable than the hot hot sun. I also thought that seeing the carnival all lit up would be more magical.

The street was quite barren. A quartet of 20-somethings we're going from ride to ride, trying to make the best of it. There was something quite sad about seeing the rides going with no one on them. 

Perhaps it was the lack of music from the rides, the dearth of lighting on the street, or the jaded view of being a grown up, but I found the fair lacking. 

The high point was the fresh cut potato on a stick. (The roomate and I have established that all food is better on a stick.) The potatoes take about 2 and a half minute to cook, and you then cover them in salt and your selection of fancy ketchup. 

Seriously they have fancy ketchup. Someone alert the Barenaked Ladies.

They have dill ketchup, bacon ketchup, mesquite ketchup, and a whole wack more that I don't recall.

After walking the length of Sparks Street we ended up at the 3 Brewers and watched a bit of the hockey game on the big screen they had set up. We then wandered down to the market and got some frozen yogourt from Spoon. 

If you haven't been to Spoon yet, I highly recommend you going. It's at the corner of Clarence and Dalhousie. It's basically a make your own sundae bar, in all it's glory. Check out their twitter feed.

While sitting outside, enjoying the frozen deliciousness, the gorgeous weather, and a Habs win. The roommate and I discussed what to do to cap off the evening. We decided to go see a movie and settled upon seeing Pain and Gain at the SilverCity Gloucester.

The movie was quite good, and had the markings of a Coen brothers movie, and we were surprised to see that it was a Michael Bay movie. Thumbs up!

Money spent: $25, plus probably about $3 of gas. Not bad for a first attempt, next time I'll definitely try to keep it under $25.

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