I have nerdy
tendencies. One does not become excited about midnight screening of The Hobbit
without having those tendencies.
I’ve always strived to
keep those under control, because I am certain I could go to the dark side and
become a geek. I’ve put check points in place and drawn very firm lines that I
cannot cross.
One of those lines is
Comicon. I have always contended that going to Comicon would be that one step
too far, the step that takes me over the edge. Yet here I am contemplating
going to Comicon this weekend.
Why? Two words: Nathan
I love Nathan Fillion,
he seems like an all-around good guy, and as far as celebrities go that’s a
pretty big deal. The roommate squeed when she heard he was coming and will be waiting in line for hours to get her picture taken with him. She'll also be wearing her Captain Hammer tee-shirt. For those of you who have never seen Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog there's a link to it here.
So here I am, still
needing to decide upon my activity for the week, staring at that line, and
wondering if I should just cross over.
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